Coastal Aquaculture Authority
The Coastal Aquaculture Authority Act, 2005 (24 of 2005) enacted by the Parliment of India on 23 June 2005 provides for the establishment of the Coastal Aquaculture Authority for regulating the activities connected with coastal aquaculture in coastal areas and matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The Act mandates the Central Government to take all such measures as it deems necessary or expedient for regulation of coastal aquaculture by prescribing guidelines, to ensure that coastal aquaculture does not cause any detriment to the coastal environment and the concept of responsible coastal aquaculture contained in the guidelines shall be followed in regulating coastal aquaculture activities to protect the livelihood of various sections of people living in the coastal areas.

One of the major tasks accomplished by the CAA was the registration of shrimp farms on the recommendations of the State and District Level Committees constituted for this purpose. It is mandatory that all persons carrying on coastal aquaculture shall register their farm with the Coastal Aquaculture Authority. Registration is made for a period of five (5) years, which can be renewed further. The registration process would be continued in respect of new farms as well as farms that may be renovated for taking up coastal aquaculture activities in future

The farmers intend to culture SPF L. vannamei in the country have to obtain permission from CAA as per the Guidelines issued by DAHD&F, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare for this purpose. Farmers, who have registered their farms with CAA, can apply in the prescribed format along with the prescribed processing fee

Shrimp hatcheries intended to produce L. vannamei seed are required to get registered with CAA and obtain approval of CAA by applying in the prescribed format for import of broodstock of SPF L. vannamei from the approved suppliers by paying the prescribed processing fee. Guidelines for regulating hatcheries and farms

An Aquatic Quarantine Facility (AQF) is established at Neelankarai, Chennai for quarantining the imported SPF L. vannamei broodstock vide order No.35029/13/2008 Fy.(T&E) dated 2.6.2009 issued by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Department of Animal Husbandry, Dairying and Fisheries (DAHD&F). It is the first national and unique quarantine ...
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