Secretary’s Message

Aquaculture is one of the fastest growing sector among the primary food production sectors in the country. Over the past few decades, the aquaculture sector is playing a vital role as a source of supply of protein rich food for nutritional security, income & livelihood to millions of people and significantly contributing to the economic growth of the Nation through seafood exports.Our country is blessed with rich and diversified water resources such 8118 kms of coastline, 2.81 kms stretch of river & canals, 28 lakh ha of reservoirs,24.48 lakh ha of tanks & ponds, 12.00 lakh ha of brackishwater and 13.55 lakh ha of beels/oxbow lakes and supporting with all aquaculture related industries like hatcheries, feed plants, aqua labs, post-harvest facilities etc., All these natural resources and physical infrastructure are offering immense scope for further development of the aquaculture sector in the country.More thrust has been given for the development of coastal aquaculture for the past few decades inview of its valuable contribution in augmenting fish& shrimp production, improving rural economy and productive utilisation of coastal water resources. The rapid expansion of the coastal aquaculture in India led to uncontrolled and unsustainable conversion of coastal wetlands to shrimp cultivation ponds as a result, the Environmentalists are raising concerns on the impact of aquaculture activities on the coastal ecosystems. The aquaculture industry is facing several challenges which mainly includes, climate change,aqua pollution, increasing production cost, disease outbreaks, slump in the shrimp price in International market, stringent conditions imposed by importing countries, rejection of consignments due to presence of antibiotic residues, inadequate quality regulations in aqua inputs (seed, feed and other supplements), traceability etc., Hence to overcome these issues, a holistic approach with more emphasis on long term sustainability is highly required

The Coastal Aquaculture Authority, which was established under Coastal Aquaculture Authority (CAA) Act, 2005, is functioning with a mandate to promote sustainable coastal aquaculture through eco-friendly practices and to protect the coastal environment & bio-diversity in the country. Furthermore, in line with the policy of the Government of India, necessary amendments are brought to CAA Act, Rules and Guidelines to facilitate the farmers and other stakeholders with ease of doing business. CAA is also closely working with Fisheries Departments of all maritime states/UTs, ICAR Institutions, MPEDA, NFDB for sensitising the farmers and other stakeholders on adoption of best management practices in coastal aquaculture activities.

I certainly believe that, it is the need of the hour to join all our hands to work together for the good cause of sustaining the coastal aquaculture industry in the large interest of farming fraternity, sound coastal environment and economic growth of the Nation.

Jai Hind!
(Ms. Neetu Kumari Prasad, IAS)
Secretary (Full Additional Charge)
Coastal Aquaculture Authority