One of the major tasks accomplished by the CAA was the
registration of shrimp farms on the recommendations of the State
and District Level Committees constituted for this
purpose. It is mandatory that all persons carrying on
coastal aquaculture shall register their farm with the Coastal
Aquaculture Authority. Registration is made for a period
of five (5) years, which can be renewed further. The
registration process would be continued in respect of new farms
as well as farms that may be renovated for taking up coastal
aquaculture activities in future
- Guidelines for Regulating Coastal Aquaculture
- Guidelines for regulating hatcheries and farms for seed production and culture of specific pathogen free L. vannamei
- Guidelines for seed production and culture of specific pathogen free P. monodon
- Guidelines for the health monitoring, disease surveillance and specific pathogen free certification of coastal aqualculture units and stocks in india